Cohiba is the top brand among Cuban cigars and known worldwide. In addition to their history, the selection and treatment of tobaccos is a special feature. The Línea 1492 from the Siglo series is the lightest in comparison to the other series at Cohiba. The Cohiba Siglo II offers connoisseurs a smoking pleasure of up to 45 minutes. An advantage of this format: Cohiba Siglo II is also found in many other brands and is familiar with it.
Cohiba Siglo II
$9.00 – $225.00
Cohiba is the top brand among Cuban cigars and known worldwide. In addition to their history, the selection and treatment of tobaccos is a special feature. The Línea 1492 from the Siglo series is the lightest in comparison to the other series at Cohiba. The Cohiba Siglo II offers connoisseurs a smoking pleasure of up to 45 minutes. An advantage of this format: Cohiba Siglo II is also found in many other brands and is familiar with it.