The Montecristo Especiales No.2 is a slim and long cigar, which holds some interesting flavors. Montecristo Especiales No.2 comes in a 38 gauge ring and is 152 mm long. The smoke duration is up to 90 minutes. It presents the flavors of earth, spices, roasted aromas and some creamy notes. Enjoy this extraordinary cigar with a fruit sweet Riesling or any sweet wines of the world.
Montecristo Especiales No.2
$9.00 – $225.00
The Montecristo Especiales No.2 is a slim and long cigar, which holds some interesting flavors. Montecristo Especiales No.2 comes in a 38 gauge ring and is 152 mm long. The smoke duration is up to 90 minutes. It presents the flavors of earth, spices, roasted aromas and some creamy notes. Enjoy this extraordinary cigar with a fruit sweet Riesling or any sweet wines of the world.