The Cohiba Lanceros is the first cigar of Cohiba cigars. It comes with a ring gauge of 38 and a length of 192 mm. Cohiba Lanceros with a smoking time of up to a full 90 minutes, Cohiba Lanceros cigar begins with a creamy-earthy note and goes in the smoke over to stronger pepper flavors. A smoking experience for every cigar lover.
Cohiba Lancero
$9.00 – $225.00
The Cohiba Lanceros is the first cigar of Cohiba cigars. It comes with a ring gauge of 38 and a length of 192 mm. Cohiba Lanceros with a smoking time of up to a full 90 minutes, Cohiba Lanceros cigar begins with a creamy-earthy note and goes in the smoke over to stronger pepper flavors. A smoking experience for every cigar lover.