The Montecristo No.2 has inspired cigar lovers around the world since 1935. Montecristo No.2 counts by their 52mm ring gauge and their length of 152 mm to the torpedo formats. The high-quality workmanship and their impeccable burn-off speak for the brand and its production quality. In the 90-minute smoke course, Montecristo No.2 presents the flavors earth, pepper and spices. Montecristo No.2 is suitable for all smokers, no matter whether they are beginners or avowed cigar lovers.
Montecristo No.2
$9.00 – $225.00
The Montecristo No.2 has inspired cigar lovers around the world since 1935. Montecristo No.2 counts by their 52mm ring gauge and their length of 152 mm to the torpedo formats. The high-quality workmanship and their impeccable burn-off speak for the brand and its production quality. In the 90-minute smoke course, Montecristo No.2 presents the flavors earth, pepper and spices. Montecristo No.2 is suitable for all smokers, no matter whether they are beginners or avowed cigar lovers.