The Montecristo Tubos are among the only cigars of this brand, which are available exclusively in safe aluminum Tubo. The Montecristo Tubos comes in the well-known Lonsdale format, which has a length of 155 mm and a ring gauge of 42. The smoking pleasure covers a period of up to 90 minutes, during which you can experience the uniqueness of this special cigar. Let the flavors earth, coffee and nut convince you. The best way to enjoy this cigar is with a rum or a brandy.
Montecristo Tubos
$9.00 – $225.00
The Montecristo Tubos are among the only cigars of this brand, which are available exclusively in safe aluminum Tubo. The Montecristo Tubos comes in the well-known Lonsdale format, which has a length of 155 mm and a ring gauge of 42. The smoking pleasure covers a period of up to 90 minutes, during which you can experience the uniqueness of this special cigar. Let the flavors earth, coffee and nut convince you. The best way to enjoy this cigar is with a rum or a brandy.